LEGO Store Berlin


New digital navigation at the LEGO concept store in Berlin.

The LEGO brand is recognised all over the world and rated one of the most iconic brands today. The LEGO concept store in Berlin was looking for a new, interactive experience and host for its re-opening. The store is divided into four platforms on three floors, making it tricky for customers to navigate inside the store.


Interactive 3D experience

We designed an interactive 3D touchscreen platform based on simple and interactive navigation, providing customers with a real LEGO experience. The store layout and floor plans were made in a 3D-isometric design, giving the customer a great navigational tool – and an experience that truly matched the LEGO DNA.


Not the last store to use an interactive host

The interactive in-store host and navigational touchscreen was a huge success, and, since the re-opening, it has made a real impact on the way customers navigate the store. The concept of this interactive host touchscreen experience will be the benchmark for future LEGO stores around the world.

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